Monday 31 October 2011

Various artists: POSTMODERNISM Style and Subversion 1970-1990, Victoria and Albert Museum

until 15 Jan 12

If £11 is not a big price to pay to see outfits like this:

or this:

then the latest V+A exhibition will be a feast for the eyes of the gracefully aging 30-somethings and the studious younger generations.

Apart from this room that hosts the iconic costumes, blasted by sounds that complement them excitingly, the rest of the exhibition is a collection of 80s styles under a confident curator-proclaimed statement that to me is not convincing. The lack of humour throughout confirmed my suspicion that this is probably an exhibition that is trying to create an historical past and an art movement that was never there. Including the designs of the Bauhaus and New Order album covers showed me a confusion that I felt in all the rooms.

Sometimes some words are so beautiful and powerful that they take on a life of their own. Postmodernism is one of those beautiful words that we should probably leave alone, to lead their private lives, outside catalogues.

I hesitated to include this article here as I have made a conscious decision never to include negative reviews. However, I felt that this might give a balanced pre-taste to anyone wishing to purchase their entry to this quite hyped exhibition.

So, if like me, £11 is not a big price to pay to see this:

and this:

then tune your headphones to 1983, take the road to nowhere all the way to South Kensington, preferably at night. On the way out, indulge in the serenity and grandeur of the neo-gothic spectacularly lit inner yard, with Klaus Nomi’s tearful voice in your ears, his outfit in a glass box, and him, whatever any exhibition catalogue tries, forever and still, an escapologist.

more info:

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